Monday, June 15, 2009


Summer means the onslaught of more reality tv shows...because they're cheap as heck to produce. They can bang out a month of episodes by running cameras for a weekend. I think I've figured out why I'm so not in love with the latest crop. They rely to much on "the confessional". That concept began with MTV'S THE REAL WORLD back when it still was, what as intended...a place where cast members went to talk only to the viewer about events as well as their private opinions. Now that concept has turned into "narrator"...adding virtually NOTHING to the show.

Example. "America's Next Top Model". The group of model wannabees are gathered in the kitchen talking. Then the door opens and in comes Tyra.

We was in the kitchen, and like then IN COMES TYRA! I was like WOW!
All of a sudden, Tyra comes in the door! I'm like...oh wow, it's Tyra! Awesome!

Wow. Indeed. Thanks fo the insight. I never would have guessed that was actually Tyra Bank whom the camera clearly showed walking through the door on the set of her own show. More so, I would never suspect that you were surprised and happy, despite the camera following your scantily clad body jumping up and down in obvious delight.
We get it. We saw it. You don't have to explain in detail every single action, the second after we've just seeen it. This goes for every reality show on the air. We can figure out even with the sound down. I beg you. LOSE THE CONFESSIONAL. It adds nothing. Or better yet, keep it and have them CONFESS something. Otherwise it's a big, annoying and frustrating waste of even bigger insult to our intelligence then the simple fact we're actually this stuff.

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